Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is a Soul Mate

Dear One, you are an exquisite soul.
I have known thee of old from once and future time.
How precious and light is your heart.
How generous and soft are your words.
How true and clear is your vision.
Blessings to you.
This post was sent by a woman to a man she obviously felt powerfully connected with. We all have a soul mate of some sort or another.  For some this is a real person, for others this is a celebrity of recent or of yore.

I had a soul mate from a very young age. This soul mate was a real person who I adored. He was a musician, a photographer, great story teller, tall and handsome, and a unique independent spirit presence. When he was near, I felt whole and perfect.

 For years, I never saw him and, on rare occasion, I'd hear about his latest adventure, but he never went away. When I was most alone, my imagination brought him near to me. When I was lost he was there to guide me in the right direction. When I was creating - painting, writing, coordinating a project - he was right there creating with me. Let's face it, he was ALWAYS there for me - in my imagination. I held him in high esteem. He was my hero.

Now, the truth is, we never did much together - I would get to tag along with him on occasion, and as a real person, he was not always there for me.It isn't that he didn't like me, but, well, I guess I could say, I was like a "groupie", had he been Bob Dylan - which he wasn't!

As a man, he is successful, he radiates a confident presence, he has a gentle soul, and most of all, he still has a great sense of adventure. Today, he is famous in his own right and has managed to tell his life's story to reflect the wholeness of his life's time.

Of course, I have a secret wish that I could be like him and that he would adore me as I do him.Truth is, he's just another elderly gentleman. And, if I look in the mirror, I might just see myself there as clearly as I feel his presence in my Soul.

Soul mates are like that. If I didn't understand him as being my animus, a reflection of my own potential, I  would be obsessively yearning. But, I'm satisfied, with this inner personification. I recognize him in my real time relationships. This is good.

Who is your soul mate?Why is your soul mate so powerful to you?

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