Monday, September 27, 2010

Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon. Sunset.
Earth suspended between the two.
Summer's end. Solstice.

Equally positioned on opposite horizons, the moon  emerges from the eastern horizon in full sunshine.  Its color, a brilliant yellow-orange, yellow, and red-orange blend together - similar to a peach. The sun is painting watercolors of changing gentle hues in the west as it ends its blazing day overhead. Clouds mingle like a crowd on the eastern horizon. Trees, hail the end of day on the west.

Oceanside on the Atlantic. Foamy waves drift in and return to the ocean in a predictable rhythm. The darkening blue sky is clear.
A gigantic  red-orange orb emerges. Birds, suspended in their flights, behold in awe. The silence in this sunshine leaves room for the imagination to hear a great rumbling as the moon arrives and rises into the sky.  The great orange moon hangs gracefully in the darkened sky, as we, driving inland to home, keep a watchful eye on its beauty.

Cypress and palm trees.
Bulk heads, sea gulls, and wooden docks.
Harvest moon. Sunshine.

A gray heron struts across a lawn. People are fishing off the grassy public dock while marveling at the moon's brilliance. As the moon rises into the sky, shrinking in size - or so it appears - it becomes a glowing spotlight that will last through the night.

People suffering.
World of opposing perspectives.
Tension increases.

Sun rises. Moon sets.
Equidistant and opposite.
Same two horizons.

Memory of the moon.
Silent. Vibrant. Magnificent.
Lingering in me.

What has happened to stop your world lately, giving you a moment to reflect on the Beauty of Soul' creating Dance?


Anonymous said...

The wonder of it all never ceases to amaze me. It was raining here, so appreciate your experiencing it all and writing it so I could too. My world stopped recently when I beheld my great grand daughter at one day old. Not I, says he!! Tony

Anonymous said...

really like reading your blogs that you post on facebook...from your style of writing and the words you use, i can see that we must truly share the same blood :) Kathleen