Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thrive or Survive


Iii  I need open heart surgery, not for longevity, although that may be a benefit. The choice is either have the surgery trusting that all will go as intended OR not have the surgery and slowly deteriorate with an increasingly limited life. Of course I would prefer such a life altering choice to either marry Brad Pitt or not or make the call for a world at peace or not. 
I'm struggling with having to go through physical hell to get to physically hearty and healthy with energy to really enjoy living. Right now I am happy, but am promised that I can be happy AND healthy again. Cancer was easy to endure and then cure compared to the mere thought of a power saw ripping its speedy teeth into my rib cage, let alone a scalpel slicing my heart open.

The choice is to either thrive while alive or survive substandardly, whatever time I have until this life's time is complete. Although not quite so dramatically, this either/or choice is a daily option for us all.

I have until next Tuesday to decide. I say thrive now, but I want it to be a deep resolve.

Wish me courage to choose to suffer awhile before  thriving fully is my new life style.

Recall a life altering choice you were challenged by. Did it take courage to choose life? What was the outcome?