Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm possible

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”—Audrey Hepburn 
I dreamed that a piece of the satellite fell  in my front yard. It didn't harm anything, plunging deep into the ground, connecting with the aquifer, which in turn spewed a fountain of water way up into the air.
Hyacinth growing on Lake George along St.Johns River, FL.
What is the meaning of this dream? Why did I have it at this moment in a life's time? Here's how I answered these questions.
Satellite piece?   Latest news all of which is pending - remnant of a pioneering venture
My yard? It's about a social reality which is green, flowering, and trees ready to harvest
Plunging deep into the ground? all of which is affecting me deeply
Aquifer?   at the source  of emotions
Spewing fountain of water? releasing of long repressed emotions in a positive way
I'm sure Freudians would have a different take on this, which might be an interpretation for them. But, for me, libido is not limited to sex, just as kundalini is not primarily a sexual experience.
However, I suppose I am using some interpretation from Jungian collective symbolism.
However, I decide all alone, the meaning of my dreams, as well as my life experiences. 
I decide all alone, how I will be, what I will do, and who I am. 
Of course there are some givens. Mine, therefore,  is to decide the relationship I will take to them.
Neither my mother, my father, my sisters, brothers, friends, enemies, colleagues, nor anyone else determines how I live. I can submit to their will in order to be loved, but it is I who decided to submit.
If I will to be or do and I have no support around me, I create the support from within. 
I find the money I need. I create the connecting story if others are involved. I make it happen. Impossible is not an option.
If it doesn't work out exactly as I have planned, the unexpected outcomes do not determine who I am, how I be, or what I do.
Let the satellite remnants fall where they may. I receive their impact into my heart with gratitude.
I willingly release expectation and anticipation of life being other than it is. 
I choose  to be the possibility of "Yes" to the way life is.
And you? How do you respond to new information - that which is going on in the world and in your life?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

No Fear!

This hanging vine plant has been growing in this pot for six years. Just this year flowers began to bloom all along the vines.

We are waiting for the arrival of a severe rain storm. The wind is blowing gently, but wildly, and the sun comes out and goes behind the clouds as clouds swirl by. This isn't a hurricane, but the clashing of two fronts,  making the atmosphere susceptible to tornadoes. This was fine when all tornadoes came from the southwest and moved northeast. My home is down hill and safe from a tornado. But, these clashing fronts is a whole different story.

As I have become accustomed to doing, I am mindful of my relationship to the environment. Because this weather pattern is rather new in this immediate vicinity - new to me anyway - I am experiencing fear.

Fear of the unknown? Fear of disappointment? Fear of possible permanent separation? Fear of loss of love? Fear resulting from unresolved issues from the raging abandon of the wind?

The fear is not about the pending storm at all, finally. The pending storm is about what's going on inside of me as I am experience life right now.
While I write, I am listening to Joan Baez, who just began singing  "Riding Out the Storm...  like a ship safe at anchor". How synchronistic of this song to play at this moment. As a message arrives from Higher Self,  the storm is not gone. The storm's fury is still pending,  but the fear subsides.

This is not the direction I was initially taking this blog, but sometimes the wonder of it all finds its way into this space where unresolved issues threaten safety with their raging storm.

From my very limited experience with Buddhist meditation, I am reminded of this space of "NO FEAR" which accompanies or results from intense focus an orange dot.

Another image from the environment is this blog's photo. The flowers bloomed all down the vine after six years of growth - near death from drought, near drowning from too much rain, near freezing from the cold.  They bloomed earlier this year, they died, and new flowers are blooming now.  In addition, flowering on this type of vine is a delight I have never experienced.

These blooming flowers are also a reminder of this place of  NO FEAR" as this new storm blows its way through my home.

The storm will be blowing through, claiming a promise that it will pass when it has had its way. The plants, trees, and grass will be greener as a result.

How have you experienced "NO FEAR"?  Has it freed you to be mindful of and be able to attend to  your unresolved issues?

Friday, October 14, 2011

YES! To Whole Systems Transformation

Ripples from footsteps in a pool

As we move around here and there throughout the day, all the time, every day, we are creating waves of energy . These energy waves interact with others' energy waves.

There's no getting around it.

No one ever gets to live in total isolation from everything else.

Many of us are sensitive to the nature of these energy waves.

Now that I am very much aware of them and the fact that they intrude on others' and theirs on mine, I have been making a concentrated effort to meditate regularly to infuse my own energy waves with positivity.

People get physically  sick from negative energy pounding into our bodies and people heal and grow from positive energy  waving its way in and through the collective presence of energy waves around us. 

From my perspective, what's happening in the USA today is a great "NO" being announced to decades if not centuries of being pounded  by the energies of an economic system which oppresses and has the potential to destroy the world. 

While it appears at first that the great "NO" is negative energy waves, I say it is the opening up of a well spring of positive energies insisting on  a whole systems transformation of the way we use and distribute resources, human and otherwise.

It's happening on Wall Street. It is evident in the overthrow of governments world-wide.  Organizations as well as corporations are experiencing the crisis of needing to change the way they operate.

It has taken awhile for the major contradiction to become obvious, but I can hear and see it out there now.  No more time to complain abou the need for change and what needs to change . No time left to attack change agents and leaders because they aren't super heroes flying through the air to save us all.

Will a movement as strong as that in the 60's and 70's emerge to fuel the transformation?

Depends on individuals collectively making passionate positive focused waves of energy.

Makes me want to sing folk songs *where have they gone?)- and yes, dance with Zorba (tell me I don't have to go all the way to Greece to dance with him)!

Can you hear and see the great "NO" to the status quo - and the great "YES" to a whole systems transformation?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Finding Your Heart Song

At USAF air show in Wichita,TX
Bless me with your laughter.
Enchant me with your song.
Your joy is my sweet sunshine.
Shine on!
  Dorothy Mendoza Row

On my very recent trek to Oklahoma to visit family, I became keenly aware of the presence of the wind blowing across the plains. This is the same wind that creates dust bowls and is the guiding force behind raving ice storms in winter. However, during my visit, I experienced this ever present wind as laughing and singing its joy filled song. This wind replaced the overbearing heat of the sun with pleasant air on my skin. I enjoyed just breathing.

One Saturday, during my visit, I had the privilege of spending a day in retreat with three other wise women. I say "other" because that day I slowly began to really experience myself as among them. The day was a rare blessing of that sense of belonging instead of being the eternal outsider of such a circle of wisdom.  This was refreshingly humbling.

The land around us had recently been ravaged by a forest fire. Conna, whose home sits on this land, told the story of the wall of fire approaching her house. The fire didn't get the house. Perhaps she, who also walks with the ancestors of this land,  was protected by the wind's direction.

She and Jan, the facilitator of "Finding Your Heart Song", the reason for my coming to this circle that day, is a genius when it comes to group process. With that and her 25 years experience facilitating community renewal with native American Indians in Canada, the day had no chance to be other than a kairotic moment in a life's time.

Pat shared her poetry, which I imagined as the delightful laughter of the wind weaving the sunshine gently in and through us.

I am feeling that the heart song we all found that day was the song of the wind itself. As Greg Mortensen  was taught by his Afghan guru to "listen to the wind" for wisdom, perhaps that is where we will find our heart song - or its updated version.

I will return to that day in my memory and listen to my heart song being carried by the wind straight to my heart and out through my voice. I did some bit of listening that day. I heard "Joy is Here.  Here is Joy" - a breathing in and a breathing out of the magical wind that glides across the plains in Oklahoma.

When is a time you were trying too hard to "listen to your heart? (Pat's departing words to me)