Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Grace Happens.

 Every year at a time around my birthday, I reflect on the year. 

First, I draw a line across a blank piece of paper OR draw a circle in the center and 12 circles  (for each month) around it. 

Then, I add events that happened around each month.

I weigh the impact of each event, decide which was a turning point and write about it. Then name it.
This past year has involved much revelation.

Every month brought a momentous occasion or two, an event, a new friend, re-acquaintances, special colleagues passing, a new political scene, health crisis or two, an opportunity for new channels of engagement. . .

Some encounters have been filled more with pain and some filled more with joy.

For each, I have been ever so grateful. Most of all I have experienced this gratitude with my whole Heart and Soul this year.

Everything changes when longings, plans, and memories long stuffed into the shadows, become dreams finally realized. Nothing new happens until the lights turn on and grace is here in the present moment.

I have been open and actively involved in occasioning the changes, but grace happens when it is ready. It sure has been gushing this year!!

The whole year has been like this. grace really does appear now and then. I am so grateful to have been so privileged, so blessed.

Everything happens when the time arrives for it to become real.   

Try this exercise, for your year, the past month, past week, or at the end of a day.  Recall the events, weigh their impact on you, choose the turning point and name it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you have (had) a wonderful birthday and that your health only improves as time goes on