Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Music as Healer

Dale Crider wrote songs about ecology and preservation of the wildlife long before it became a popular movement. Here he is playng in the Tradewinds, near the Bridge of Lions,  about lunchtime on Sunday.

Blue Grass and Mozart share the same healing quality, or so has been my own experience.

 The one who will be healed begins with centering in that very special place deep within heart space. Some healers will argue that the place from which healing energy comes is beyond the astral planes.
Others will say it comes from God.  Any of these will do, as long as there is loving intent and pure focus  on the healing process.

Some people can become silent, focus on breathing, and access this place of healing energy with their eyes closed.  However, there are others of us who prefer to draw from the environment to guide us into that same place.

For me, music is my guide - played by a musician who is performing from that special heart space. Mozart wrote from that place. Folk music, especially blue grass - being born in this Western culture to which I belong - primarily, was written from that special place.

Heart space, musician's heart space, and songwriter's heart space, together makes for optimal healing.

I find the Gamble Rogers Festival in St. Augustine, to be the presence of these three dynamics. Not all of the performers, but a good share, sing from their hearts.  They are performing music written from deep within heart space.

Lately, I have noticed that many new songs being written and performed have a social concern theme. Some on ecology, some on poverty, some on war, some on peace.  I find myself wondering what is the new movement of social change that is beginning to grow today.

I go, open to the healing available. I am never disappointed. Having felt at home there, and having become totally saturated with  music, I come home with a renewed passion for life's purpose.

How do you take care of yourself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too many people are listening and buying into what news media says , for example, - because it is easier to do than to take time to process one's own wisdom. Too many people are not being able to get their two pennies into the decision making process because they need time to access their own wisdom.

Wanted to share this 'youtube'....enjoy!! the sayseer manifesto
