Friday, May 13, 2011

We are Each Other's Guardian Angel

As I was driving to the festival for a second day, it occurred to me that I was a really lucky volunteer to have been given two prime positions in a row. I wondered who made those assignments and I really wanted to express my gratitude for such a gift.

First day, I was at a main stage in the heart of the original St. Augustine settlement and got to hear all the musicians I would have chosen - those I had heard before and loved.  This second day, I was going to be at the main stage at the marina to hear the "stars' of the weekend. Although they had been around for awhile, I had never heard them - only of them. Both days, he wind was blowing in from the ocean, sun shone brightly, and the temperature about 80 degrees F. There were enough volunteers swarming around for me to be able to take a lunch break to go hear Dale Crider. I really wanted to hear what he is singing these days. He's one of those many Gainesville, FL professionals who love music and have been part of the folk scene for - yes, decades.

I had the radio playing on the Flagler college station, broadcasting from the folk festival.  In the middle of my reflections on the greatness of the whole weekend, a song came on the radio. The words were something like  "We are each other's guardian angels. We come into each other's lives just when needed. Then we go our separate ways."

Somebody sure had been my guardian angel this weekend.

The Milltop Restaurant on St. George's Street, St. Augustine

I thought of other times in my life when this was also true.

When has this been true for you - someone was your guardian angel just when you needed one?

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