Friday, February 11, 2011

All is Well!

Last year was a miracle occasioning endless gratitude.
Last year was the year of illumining the past in all its splendor.
Last year began with a new year's resolution to open the closed doors.
The doors are open. The past is approved. All is well.

This year my new year's resolution is to turn the spotlight on the unfolding future.
So far, this year, I participated in the wedding celebration of my first born grandchild, Kathleen.
Last weekend, I traveled to Colquitt,GA to experience and participate in its Building Creative Communities Conference  - been really curious about what Jan Sanders and Rob Work have been up to and they facilitated the Art of Social Change track.

At the end of this month, I'm guiding an AAP (Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis) regional retreat in Sarasota. It's a pioneering venture of a new operating form for this North American organization.

The author of Men are From Mars and Women are from Venus - John Gray - wrote another book about life phases. In it he said that there is a natural progression, but it doesn't always work out that way. So, if you missed out, or skipped a phase, it is natural to fulfill that part of one's own life journey at some point. He didn't use those words, but it's been so long since I read it, that's the way I remember it.

Well, I skipped over close family, and last year was bringing that almost full circle, with just a few more connections to be made to complete that phase and enjoy a new future. as family.

I got so lost in becoming self-sufficient enough to retire, it has taken well into this second year of retirement to get accustomed to following my own agenda  - or following my Bliss (as Campbell puts it) and not someone else's. Living life this way is. a delight. I feel healthier and the thoughts that constantly run through my mind are increasingly gentle and creative.

Where did we ever come up with the notion that care for all of the aspects of our lives is not being responsible? I am happy to look around me and see so many of us relaxing into our new creative edges, dancing gently instead of marching fervently and running madly into burnout.

This year, I'm going to go places and participate fully in events.

These are the times and we are the people is being carried on a new song, a new dance. All is well.

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