Thursday, November 5, 2009

"A PBS presentation of Bob Dylan had just finished. I was overcome with a sense of yearning to have been Bob Dylan My passion thru that period of radical cultural metamorphosis was expressed so clearly in Bob Dylan's poetry. The yearning continued as I reflected on the underlying cause of these feelings. I wanted to have been a significant contribution to those radically changing times. I’ve had as little or as much going for me as he did. I remember how he took what rudimentary skill he had and let it develop to match his passion. Perhaps, I and thousands of others, in reality, were all Bob Dylans and more. Perhaps, today, I can just be me with my finger on the heartbeat of the times. It’s a whole new time, a whole new beat of the heart, and I know I’m not the only one yearning to leave this memory of passion for social change and respond to a whole new metamorphosis in the process of coming into being. I may have a day or a year or 20 years to be on this earth. I feel the kairos of the moment screaming to be heard. Not for my own sake but for the freeing of the SOUL of Earth itself. Nothing to probe – only to BE."

In which social crisis are you hearing the call to respond?

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