Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Forgiveness First Not Last

Working on self-work and/or Self-work face-to-face seemed an impossible adventure.

Yet, there I was face-to-face with the life's experience I had come to let go of once and for all.

It did not happen automatically by a conversation or two to get the facts straight and accept that which came to pass as whole and perfect just as it happened. Between the two of us, we did piece together an adequate scenario of the course of events which included that which motivated each of us to make the decisions we did.

By this dialogue, forgiveness began its Soulful journey to the heart of the matter - actually BEING in the moment, present in the joy and privilege of sharing the same air with each other right now where we are.

Moving into the time/space experience of here and now was painful. It required letting go of other attachments of the past, breaking out of the prison of those experiences already done and gone, never to be repeated.

 I suppose it is possible to waste away in that prison of memories, content with all that has come to pass, grieving without ceasing.  However, there is more to come, if fear can be set aside for the next grand adventure - or even something very simple, as a new and loving friendship.

Trusting that no harm will come from enjoying the present moment's course of events became a psychic dance - into the past, into the present, speculating the future, into the past, into the present..............

I felt us both relax, slowly but surely.  I felt joy, ecstasy, peace, and bliss, just being together. This was not a romantic experience at all. This was the forgiveness at the heart of the matter.

For a brief moment in time in the here and now, we connected as two people who can appreciate and be grateful for our common history and for each other's presence in our lives, no prisons to hide in, no unfinished business, no expectations.

the difference now is that we have shared the present moment, however briefly,  at the same time and have been blessed with its gift.  Separately yes, but changed by the ONENESS of it all that is.

The forgiveness which happened between us was not a mental decision. It was and continues to be  a decision to release from deep within our hearts, that which is restraining, and then entering life's dance floor  once again, in grand anticipation.

The Heart of the Matter, Don Henley and the Eagles

Why is forgiveness at the heart of the matter so important to being fully alive?

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