Friday, October 14, 2011

YES! To Whole Systems Transformation

Ripples from footsteps in a pool

As we move around here and there throughout the day, all the time, every day, we are creating waves of energy . These energy waves interact with others' energy waves.

There's no getting around it.

No one ever gets to live in total isolation from everything else.

Many of us are sensitive to the nature of these energy waves.

Now that I am very much aware of them and the fact that they intrude on others' and theirs on mine, I have been making a concentrated effort to meditate regularly to infuse my own energy waves with positivity.

People get physically  sick from negative energy pounding into our bodies and people heal and grow from positive energy  waving its way in and through the collective presence of energy waves around us. 

From my perspective, what's happening in the USA today is a great "NO" being announced to decades if not centuries of being pounded  by the energies of an economic system which oppresses and has the potential to destroy the world. 

While it appears at first that the great "NO" is negative energy waves, I say it is the opening up of a well spring of positive energies insisting on  a whole systems transformation of the way we use and distribute resources, human and otherwise.

It's happening on Wall Street. It is evident in the overthrow of governments world-wide.  Organizations as well as corporations are experiencing the crisis of needing to change the way they operate.

It has taken awhile for the major contradiction to become obvious, but I can hear and see it out there now.  No more time to complain abou the need for change and what needs to change . No time left to attack change agents and leaders because they aren't super heroes flying through the air to save us all.

Will a movement as strong as that in the 60's and 70's emerge to fuel the transformation?

Depends on individuals collectively making passionate positive focused waves of energy.

Makes me want to sing folk songs *where have they gone?)- and yes, dance with Zorba (tell me I don't have to go all the way to Greece to dance with him)!

Can you hear and see the great "NO" to the status quo - and the great "YES" to a whole systems transformation?


Anonymous said...

I so love that you are writing about the changes, and the Wall St group are certainly opening the doorways to change. I have a small complaint that I can't put out to others...the Wall St group is carrying their agenda to Canada, and that really 'gets my goat'. Again, it's the American pride that thinks that they can save the world and that everyone is like them. I wonder what they will find when they take to the streets of Canada!?!? I wish they would go back home.....thanks for listening....Shamai

Anonymous said...

I am still willing to help with a coaching piece!

Pat Williams

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing? Even here in the Netherlands, Judi, there will be groups going tomorrow morning in several cities! Karin Jongsma