Friday, October 8, 2010

Why was I born?

Compliments of Kurt Rolfes, Photographer
This photo of an elephant bathing at sunrise holds it all for me - the sun shining on the bathing elephant AND on the cleansing and refreshing spray. The photo as a whole portrays that which is beyond explanation. This elephant is a presence, offering a multitude of meanings from which to choose.

I have been pondering a perspective on the reason for being alive.

This perspective suggests that birth is entering a new incarnation to continue the work of a previous incarnation - that there is a specific reason for being born into this particular body and having particular encounters throughout life and, as well, the reflections and lessons which are learned while here.

This perspective, given what I have experienced in this life's time, got me reflecting on some questions about my own purpose for being here.
  • Did I fail to truly love all and forgive all?
  • Was I too attached to people, things, or matters of life?
  • Am I here to reframe some big unexpected outcome?
  • Did I come to learn how to be a mother, a partner, family, neighbor, co-worker? Social change agent?
  • Did I come to be a guide to the Higher Self?
  • Am I here to face a dread fear of snakes and intimacy?
  • Is it this time round that I  learn to dance with the way life is?
  • Am I here to learn how to pay attention to my heart's wisdom?
Most certainly YES.
    I have many other questions I could ask, but one major purpose for being here that I am sure of is that of learning to trust myself, experiences, others, the way life is - "warts and all!" as being  wondrous gifts I have been given. 

    Living this connection with Self - with Soul - is THE ongoing challenge for me.

    Have you taken the  opportunity to reflect on your reason for living in this life's time?  What have you discovered? And your greatest challenge is?


      Anonymous said...

      Judi, I'm so thankful that you were born for all the reasons you stated. I'm so thankful that we reconnected from our first meeting in WDC LCX days to taking your boys on the plane to Australia and various passing encounters at summer programs and councils. Thank goodness for that serendipitous meeting in Galax when you were bringing a friend our way. Amazing! You've given me a fresh look at the miraculous in my life and at transcending givens in ones life.

      I'm just back from the big Troutman family reunion in Troutman, NC where Dad was the historical figure. He had such a good time connecting with children and grandchildren of his 10 siblings, now all deceased, along with all but one spouse. They doted on him, asking for stories of their parents and growing up 96 years ago. A great weekend. Three sets of his cousins celebrated our 50th anniversaries this year and our children all went in together to honor us to the other assembled cousins with a beautiful cake and cheers. Then we lifted up significant anniversaries of others and presented the other two celebrants with the little anniversary booklet we had prepared from John's blogs. Dad and Mom celebrated 67 years together before Mom died. Dad's younger brother (who just died in June) celebrated 70 years with his wife two days before he died. Some good history there! A beautiful blue and black butterfly like the one that I have always felt represented mother's spirit fluttered closely around my cousin Carol whose father is the one that died, that I felt sure we had spirit visitations. Later it landed on the chest of one whose parents both are dead. It perched on my head. We all began to tell stories and remember who it might be. I stayed the longest on a young father, so I created the story of it sending wishes and care to the youngest of the generations to carry on the family traditions of care. We all were taking pictures and imagining all the spirits of our dear aunts and uncles and three of our cousins who are no longer physically present with us. It was a beautiful symbol of care and occasion of bringing mindfulness of all that brought us to this place.

      More later, Love, Lynda

      Anonymous said...

      I just read, and re read your's really wonderful, peaceful, and calming.....thanks.

      Anonymous said...

      Where did you find that elephant photo. I've seen a lot of elephant photos - this is better than Noational Geographic (which may or may not be the best - but I think so!!)

      Why was I born? I always ask that when I'm up against it - I'm learning that there is something called FRIENDSHIP and it's not all about sex. But, of course, if you are interested...As always, Jim

      Anonymous said...

      We want to know how we can think this way. Write a blog about your process. Tony

      Caroline said...

      Well... I think it may go without saying that I certainly am glad you were born! And I'm sure that those who love me would feel the same way.

      I don't believe there is one list of purpose for existing. We are designed to help ourselves and as the world around changes so does our methodology for help. i.e. being a child, bearing a child, raising a child, then looking back and helping this child do the same. How we deal with life's ups and downs is our purpose as it changes those around us too. So, perhaps, our purpose is harmony.

      I've been slowly realizing that there is a whole 'other' me out there that has been created by you; your boys, their families, your circle of friends, and even the creatures in your home have all been changed. They all know me NOW. I think that alone is reason to exist! New memories, changes to routine, a little of me in all of you, and circles unbroken and healing.

      xo ME