I write.
I write this blog and I am writing a book.
I get into a place of passion and writing is a pure joy as I get lost in the wonder of it all.
Recently, I asked an editor friend for feedback on the nature of the content and style of the book I am writing. The response was a whole list of grammatical errors from commas to syntax.
I was angry and frustrated. I felt demeaned. I cried and swore I would give up writing altogether. It wasn't just this event. This was the end of my patience with several attempts at feedback.
Emotions had their way for awhile until volition stepped in and I decided to meditate.
I sat quietly, got comfortable, relaxed, and focused on breathing in and breathing out.
First, I listened to myself hash it over and over, while I gently encouraged the rampage to slow down and eventually stop. Then I reflected on exactly what had gone down to get me into this state - first I did this, then that happened, then........ until I had disidentified from my own experience and could see it as it had occurred without judgment.
Secondly, I listened and watched this outrage which had consumed me. I asked, "Who is this raging on like this?" As the energy personified, I listened and watched as an "aha" emerged and a light revealed its presence in all its glory. As the ranting eased, the personified energy acknowledged, I watched it slowly transform back into writer energy.
With that, finally, I returned to writing the book. I put on some music, and followed my fingers on the keyboard into that creative source. The images flowed onto the page as I let go of volition and wrote spontaneously with wild abandon again.
I never cease to be amazed at the flow of the creative process. I am slowly learning to adjust to others' not rising up to meet my expectations and to just look elsewhere if feedback is really an important interlude to the writing process. And when I need a break to process,to just take one.
What has been your experience with the creative process?