Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Peaceful Embrace of Forgiveness

A budding wild rose
In my journal last year about his time I wrote:

I love these few days of the year. They arrive when the weather is 40s at night to low 70s during the day - not always the same time every year.
One of thousands of azaleas around the village right now
During these few days, azaleas bloom prolifically. White, purple, pink, or magenta, they fill this little village with a background blanket of color everywhere. Buds and blooms of wild roses and many types of trees scatter more beauty everywhere. here and there. Wisteria hangs gracefully like clusters of grapes with wings.
Wisteria grows like weeds
The orange blossoms broadcast Spring with a delicate fragrance which permeates the air everywhere.
Orange blossoms  bee buzzed 'round my head while taking this
Bees wander through the blossoms wistfully pollinating the blooms so oranges will g row. 

Taking off from the top of the water tower, baby birds begin gliding through the air. I can't see if they are buzzards, hawks, or eagles, but they gracefully float about on the wind for hours. I know. This year, I sat on my porch and watched them all afternoon with Beau Bear, my old cat and best friend, on my lap.

These few days every year in this village stand as a reminder that healing is cyclical -- by the presence of the abundance of new life everywhere.

At the same time,
Earth is ripping itself apart in earthquakes here and there and everywhere, taking human lives and history away with its destruction..
Angry war ravages human lives as well as old leaders and systems hold tightly to their reigns refusing to make way for the new energy.
Winter hangs on and returns with a vengeance, discouraging even a pansy, a daffodil, crocus or begonia which had sprouted with great anticipation of growth. 
Tomato sprouts waiting to be planted
Also, at the same time,  are so many people who are so privileged to not have to hunger or suffer physically, who nevertheless do not love themselves deep within.  This kind of suffering has to be the worst because there seems to be no cure, no solution, should such  happen to be available. These people do not feel the wonder of these few days which arrive every year, if not at the same exact time.
Wild roses almost sing their arrival after a cold spell.
I must love myself deep inside just a little bit at least. I know I must because I can breathe in the beauty of  these few days of this time of year and touch its healing power.

i wish this peaceful embrace of forgiveness  for everyone at least once in a life's time, and perhaps every year .

Please share a moment when this has been your experience. How do these experiences make us more human?


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, I enjoy the Spring growth with you. This is my first FL Spring...seems it came earlier than usual.....BEAUTIFUL!!!

Jann McGuire said...

This piece and photos made me look around my own environment and see all the blossoms with new eyes. It rained here in the San Joaquin Valley today; the daffodils, iris, jade, peach, apricot blossoms seem to love and embrace it with your same spirit of forgiveness. Thank you.