Made in Kenya from old tires 25+ yrs ago. Jim has saved them all these years. |
Why is it that writing a book is a prerequisite for fame?
Whether world renowned or famous in a discipline of one sort or another, this seems to be the case. I'm not referring here to cinema, sports, or other media fame. That is another whole topic to explore sometime.
While dining recently with colleagues of yore, I was addressed by the humble presence of their innate wisdom which stands on a lifetime of facilitating a sustainable future of local communities - out of nothing but sheer creativity. I could go on and on about their contribution, worthy of three or four Ph.D.s.
Others have written books about their pioneering theories and have created new forms of human community in the 20th century. There has been a metamorphic evolution in consciousness - A great Spirit Movement - now dancing its way through the 21st century.
Human community is full of new theories, methods, approaches, demonstrations, leadership, experiments, inventions,and untold solutions to age-old problems.
There are few who can step into the shoes of the likes of my colleagues of yore and claim the unknown fame which they deserve the most. An important element of the great adventure in the life of the Spirit Movement of our life's time, is the pausing to document the story of the journey and get it out to the world.
What are we waiting for?
What is your great story waiting to be told - the one where someone can step into your shoes and carry on, into the future, the adventure of pioneering Spirit's work among us?