Many years ago, an image was burned into my memory, never to be forgotten. The image is of a priest who lived in solitary confinement, because he was who he was, for 19 years. He was able to maintain his gratitude for being alive, in this otherwise impossible situation, by holding between his knees, as he prayed daily, a cross he fashioned from straw.
This image has served me well during those inevitable moments when being alone seems intolerable.
I am especially mindful that this feeling of being all alone is becoming unbearable today for so many people.
I am grateful for having suffered with that feeling and have within me ways to be alone and not fall into the dark abyss called unbearable loneliness.
My compassion is so alive right now because I have become aware of several suicides which have occurred this month. I have had conversations with friends regarding the reality of the high rate of suicide among youth in particular.
This reality is not new. Years ago, the Institute of Cultural Affairs, of which I lived and worked, established a Student House for middle school youth because of the frequency of suicides among that age group. The aim of that demonstration was to provide fulfilling engagement that instilled a feeling of belonging and contributing to the community. It was a response to a real need in the 70's and has not lessened since then.
Some sources say that people do not know how to express emotions nor process intense emotions. We are taught to suppress and brush aside any that reveal what is labeled as "immature outbreaks".
Other research says that people cannot handle the chaos of today's world, not only because of the status quo turning upside down, but because of the overwhelming influx of data and limited skills to screen it with critical thinking.
Others would insist that some people are not able to think for themselves and depend on the charismatic leader to follow.
I am concerned about those who contemplate and actually follow through with suicide. This concern is not for the many "death wishes" and numbing addictions we all find a way to fall into now and then. This is about young and old who just can't take the bullying, the pressure to live up to others' expectations,whose physical health is unbearable, or who have their security ripped away from their otherwise peaceful existence.
This is especially about the youth who are vulnerable to recruitment into terrorist armies to be assigned to suicide with a mission.This is about anyone who is yearning for a sense of belonging that is a safe place to be and to create.
Deep in the roots of these final acts of those who end their lives, there is an Island of Self which has been hidden from their access. This island of Self is a consciousness which I would like to share, one which I have been given access. this place is a healing balm of joyful presence no matter what the circumstances around me. On this island there is the feeling of being loved unconditionally and the desire to be loving in return. This ability to love beyond despair is the essence of this healing balm, available on the Island of Self.
"Voila! All are healed and have a meaningful existence worth living" is not the way the problem is solved. It takes a whole movement. I want to be among that movement of Spirit which guides the Soul to the Island of Self, alone and never lonely, to where suicide is no longer an option.
How to handle emotions - how to self heal, how to acknowledge the suffering, to understand it, and to be One with a compassionate Self in response sustains my decision to be alive. To teach it to others is the essence of my renewed purpose in this Earth Community.
How to do this is birthing will be decided among the many scenarios I create for living this newCycle of creating a renewed Earth community most of us are entering.
There are so many ways that Earth's people are committing suicide today. Where do you feel concerned enough to respond?