Monday, November 24, 2014

Grateful for Beating Heart

Coming down the mountain in Columbus,NC

Ever since I had my mitral valve replaced with a mechanical valve, I have had the privilege of listening to the beat of my heart, especially when I am in even a slightly prone position,

Miracle, my cat, and Jonathan, my four month old grand nephew both love to fall asleep to its beat.

Since surgery at the end of May, his heartbeat has taken a journey from being extremely irregular, erratic, and unpredictable to a normal steady pace without even the life-long skip beat I was probably born with.

I have abused my heart with physical and emotional stress and patterns of negative thinking. Needless to say, my heart on many occasions, most noticeably in recent years, let me know that it was having to work too hard to keep up with me and was plain worn out.

Even though I am well trained and accustomed to listening to my body and responding as I intuit fit, I continued at the same pace in stressful situations in which I found little if any enjoyment. In other words, I refused to stop the way I was living my life to slow down, change what I was doing, and explore  doing what I love,

I am also really good at mindful breathing, healthy eating, energy exercise and inner healing. I practiced them, and still do,  religiously. If you ever think you can be healthy by doing all this and avoiding the heart of the matter, let me be a witness to how it is just putting off the inevitable.

As I laid in bed this morning, shortly after awakening, I was listening to my heart beat, slowly and steadily, and quite suddenly was feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for the loyalty of my heart for its seventy years of unconditional service. I was in heart's space and was experiencing "my heart" as "Heart"

Heart is nurtured and sustained by continual presencing of the love of the Divine, from within and around.

Heart needs to be living out this time on earth as a gentle flowing dance. This maintains Heart's purpose for beating.

Apparently, I am finally learning the flowing rhythm of this dance and I will continue to let Heart lead the way.

Like the yearly cycle of a mountain tree, buds to vibrant green, to brilliant color and its harvest,  to barren branches, the cycle continues when dancing with this flow is the choice of Heart.

Have you been paying attention  to your Heart's desire?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Fathomless Abyss

This year has been an incredibly full year in so many ways.
Events in the world, in my community, in the lives of people I know, and in my life have been way beyond ordinary. Each event has been an amazing never before told story already told or waiting to be told.

 Nothing has been plain and simple. So many unexpected results, breakthroughs, completed cycles, new life, abundance of transitions, realization of long held dreams, travels among breathtaking vistas, tender connections to loved ones, puzzling turns of the tides, radical individual decisions - have filled the air with wonder - "aha" wonder and "what the hell is happening?" wonder, as well.

As a peoples inhabiting this living organism called Planet Earth, we are being shaken to the core of existence by the accumulating impact of our vast creative and destructive potential and our accompanying awareness of our fragility, temporality AND increasing resolve to be alive and thrive.

I find myself drawn to storytelling.  What is the story that is the strong and durable net that holds us over this vast abyss of unknown wonder that seems to be prevailing in the mundane daily routines which are anything but ordinary today?

Stories from a place of deep resolve of  positive alternatives to a  Planet in danger in so many ways?
Stories from heart space of connecting in a greater depth in relationships?
Stories of realizing dreams held for what seems like forever?

So much is happening that is either obviously a blessing or deep within its meaning a blessing is still a seed.  I am so aware of the abyss which separates me from life in the past and life today. Gone forever, not forgotten, everything is a story ready to be written in stone, only to some day become the vast abyss once again.

Has this not been your experience in these extra ordinary times n which we live?  What is your take on it all?