Monday, October 27, 2014

Does Mercury have to retrograde?

Well, so far this month, in spite of my best intentions, many things have happened that cost me money and time to fix.
My trusty 2000 Buick got new bearings and steering wheel fluid (an ongoing repair).
The transparent tape I purchased had no lip to cut the tape.
My eyesight seemed to get worse, requiring an eye exam.
Golf cart got its almost new batteries watered because it didn't stay charged for long.
Miracle hunted down a mole and dragged its bloody carcass all over the almost new ground level cement job.
My grandson's band fund raiser order arrived short of a couple of items.
Chopper I purchased from Pamered Chef cracked while chopping blueberries.
Phone company didn't get my payment. Sent a new payment. Now have paid twice.
Enamel cracked on a forty year old four tooth bridge - in my mouth!
Miracle knocked Kindle on the floor because I didn't get up and let her out immediately upon request. Camera snaps crooked pics now.
Smart phone is acting up - screen becoming insensitive to touch - or I might be dead already - who knows where the time goes?!

Many other mishaps during the month were directly of my own making. Therefore, I won't mention them lest you think I am more self-depreciating than I am.

There is a blessing in each small catastrophe, however - somewhere!!

This month while Mercury was in retrograde, I was reminded of how much I have come to depend on "things" and desire for it all to last forever.

When I first returned from Kenya, I continued to wash my clothes in a tub of water by hand for the longest time and boiled water and cooked an egg in the same kettle for tea at the same time. I did not have a car - or a chopper of my own to break and don't recall that cell phones existed yet.

All my "things" have been robbed from me at least three times in my adult life.
I have been humbled many times over, as well.

For the next year, the money I am able to accumulate will go for fixing things instead of traveling.

I have seriously been thinking about having a pre-death estate sale, and maybe even selling my house to be free and clear when my time for transition actually comes. There would be lots less things to fix, too. Yes, I would much prefer to be able to spend the whole of my time connecting with others, especially my family and in service to this community.

Why does it all have to be so difficult?

I am sensing the time has arrived to retreat for awhile to delve into the wisdom of the Higher Self. A serious dialogue is in order now. A new cycle is hoping to begin.

I tend to believe that these two eclipses we just had have catalyzed this need to transform in a good many of of us.  Has this been the case for you? Tell me about it. I Would love to hear from you.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Moment And Its Many Perspectives

We go through life missing so much in each moment because we tend to live in such a narrow range of what is there to experience.
Some of us remember some of the facts - seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched.
Some of us remember how we were feeling more than anything else.
 Some of us immediately judge the experiences blocking that which does not fit the paradigm.
Some of us stand outside the moment, experiencing it as an outsider, detached from being present, or caught up in a convenient distraction.

Sometimes the immediate response depends on the nature of the experience, which may or may not be different from one's usual patterns of response. Obvious, but for instance, in the case of an extremely traumatic encounter, The first response is probably emotional. If the encounter is a totally new experience, perhaps the response would be to step back and observe what is happening.

 Most of us have learned or are learning to take in the moment with increasing consciousness of what's happening from multi-perspectives.We have learned to reflect deeply and widely and to relate our experiences to that of others.

The experience I find the most extensive to appropriate is when I encounter the gap between what "could-have-been-should-have-been- or might-have- been" and REALITY. LIFE, after all is about Plan B one way or the other most of the time, so this "gap" experience is fairly common, 

However, there are moments when the gap is like being sucked into the center of a hurricane. You are aware that you are contained beyond your ability to control what is happening. Yet, there in that center, the calm brings you into the moment with profound awareness of being there in that place, suspended.

Such has been my experience in reuniting with my daughter, her family, her biological father and his family. Such has been my experience also in encountering high school colleagues after fifty years. Such has been my experience also in connecting with professional colleagues of yore.

Each has required of me, extensive reflection from many perspectives. (Note: I do not use the word "levels" because of the societal connotations or value placed on" levels".). Sometimes I rehearse the series of events and the people involved and my emotional responses over and over, enchanted by the mere occurrence of what i always experience as a delightful miracle -a blessing of which I am not worthy.

Eventually I reflect on the memories the encounter has triggered. Some memories are worth remembering, some are better off releasing. All are worth experiencing again. 

Inspiring meaning from being in the moment always is in retrospect, always after a long walk through critical thinking and depth insight. I keep at it until the "aha" reveals itself like a kitten which finally settles down to purr graciously.

I just cannot live on the surface, playing with the moment and its  unfathomable first encounter. I wish I could sometimes. I wish I could be happy in a coffee clutch chattering away mindlessly. I just can't brush it all off as if it didn't matter in the course of human existence.

That is not me. I am I. 

How about you? What is your course of reflection on the moment by moment encounter with that which is real?